All active grant recipients
Organisation | Description | Amount (USD) | Term (months) |
African Climate Foundation | Core funding to ACF to support an independent and multi-disciplinary African-led climate and development movement | 2,500,000 | 18 |
Agfood Future Foundation | To support research on alternative proteins market development | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute | Support for work on role of bond markets in shifting finance away from fossil fuels to clean energy | 3,000,000 | 31 |
Berkeley Earth | Funding to support the Local Futures Platform and Climate Model Synthesis | 1,554,700 | 24 |
Boston Consulting Group | Support for the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Demand research project | 300,000 | 1 |
BRM Futures Ltd | Support for campaigns and advocacy around climate policy in the UK | 11,167,233 | 36 |
Canopy Planet Society | Support to engage the fashion industry on deforestation-free supply chains and materials | 10,000,000 | 71 |
Carbon Direct | Support for work to review data modelling for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) | 970,000 | 16 |
Carbon Gap (Carbon Removal Advocacy Europe) | Funding to support advocacy around carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in Europe | 2,496,000 | 36 |
Carbon Limits | Funding to support tools and actions to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas | 492,000 | 12 |
Carbon Market Watch | Support for work to increase the transparency and integrity of corporate climate pledges | 475,913 | 12 |
Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) | Supporting the global energy transition and air quality improvement through data oriented research | 570,000 | 12 |
Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) | Supporting the global energy transition and air quality improvement through data oriented research | 570,000 | 12 |
Clean Air Fund (CAF) | Support for work at the intersection of the climate and clean air agendas, including for CAF's Black Carbon programme | 10,500,000 | 36 |
Clean Air Task Force, Inc. | Funding to help establish an options-based policy strategy for climate and the energy transition in Europe | 9,000,000 | 36 |
Clean Air Task Force, Inc. | Funding to help establish an options-based policy strategy for climate and the energy transition in Europe | 1,430,000 | 12 |
Climate Advisers Inc. | Funding to support convening and coalition building around the role of alternative proteins | 250,000 | 6 |
Climate Breakthrough Inc | Support for the Climate Breakthrough Awards | 10,500,000 | 36 |
Climate Policy Radar | Funding to support efforts to build evidence based decision making on climate policy | 2,600,000 | 36 |
Climate Subak CIC | Core funding for work to support early stage not-for-profits to scale | 6,500,000 | 36 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | Funding to ClimateWorks Foundation to support coordinated funding efforts across multiple climate programmes | 15,000,000 | 12 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | Funding to support the Industry Hub to accelerate industrial decarbonization | 19,700,000 | 24 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | Seed funding for development of the "Industry Hub" | 300,000 | 12 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | Support for work on financial regulation to address climate risk | 6,000,000 | 36 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | Support for ClimateWorks Foundation to build the Adaptation and Resilience Funder Collaborative, to scale and coordinate funding into climate adaptation and resilience | 1,000,000 | 12 |
ClimateWorks Foundation | To support ClimateWorks Foundation to scale and coordinate funding for the global transition to Electric Vehicles | 24,300,000 | 60 |
Colorado State University | Support for research into the role of climate intervention as a potential option for reducing near term climate risk | 4,574,245 | 60 |
Conscious Advertising Network | Funding to support efforts to counter disinformation around climate | 260,000 | 18 |
Cornell University | Support for research and analysis to improve the accuracy and comparability of climate models | 250,000 | |
Count Us In Limited | Funding to support public education on climate change | 1,300,000 | 12 |
DEGREES Initiative | Support for building capacity in the Global South to help scientists and other stakeholders examine the implications of climate intervention | 5,448,443 | 30 |
Earth Island Institute | Support for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative | 2,200,000 | 12 |
Energy Foundation China (EFC) | Funding for work on zero-emission shipping | 4,000,000 | 30 |
Environmental Leadership Australia | Funding to build public awareness and engagement around climate change in Australia | 3,900,000 | 36 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Funding to accelerate the decarbonisation of the European power sector | 3,500,000 | 12 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Funding to support ECF's global work on a just energy transition, through engagement with diplomacy, business and finance | 9,700,000 | 11 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Support across ECF's renewable energy transition programmes | 10,000,000 | 64 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Support across ECF's programmes to accelerate the clean energy transition | 1,714,285 | 12 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Support to strengthen the clean energy transition in UK and Europe | 3,103,396 | 12 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Support to strengthen the clean energy transition in UK and Europe | 11,359,477 | 36 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Funding to support climate and energy policy advocacy and civic engagement in the UK | 3,750,000 | 24 |
European Climate Foundation (ECF) | Funding to support climate and energy policy advocacy and civic engagement in the UK | 3,000,000 | 24 |
European Federation for Transport & Environment | Funding to support policy advocacy for electric vehicle transition in Europe | 2,639,000 | 36 |
Extraenvironmentalist Media Association | Funding to support The Energy Transition Show to expand its educational offerings | 250,000 | 24 |
Finance Watch | Funding to support policy analysis around climate risk in insurance markets | 2,241,379 | 36 |
Floralis Uga Filiale (University of Grenoble) | Funding to support improvement in Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) | 303,833 | 24 |
Future Earth International | Support for Climate AI solutions | 1,000,000 | 19 |
Global Change Data Lab | Funding to support Our World in Data in their provision of high-quality, open data around climate and energy | 2,502,500 | 43 |
Global Energy Monitor | Core funding including to support production of data to track energy markets | 467,000 | 12 |
Global Energy Monitor | Funding to support improving the quality of energy-transition related project data | 3,000,000 | 36 |
Global Greengrants Fund | Core funding to support grassroots climate movements particularly in the global south | 3,600,000 | 36 |
Global Optimism | Core support for climate advocacy and communications around the world | 325,000 | 12 |
Global Renewable Energy Mass Adoption Program (GREENMAP) | Core funding to support renewable energy advocacy | 2,500,000 | 19 |
Global Resilience Partnership | Core support to seed and scale Climate Resilience for All, a programme to protect the health and livelihoods of women vulnerable to extreme heat | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Global Witness | Core support including general operating support to Global Witness for their programmes on climate and justice | 1,950,000 | 36 |
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies | Support for the Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs | 1,709,644 | 36 |
Grantham Foundation | QCF-Grantham partnership on unlocking neglected climate opportunities | 50,000,000 | 15 |
Green Finance Institute Ltd (GFI) | Funding to support programmes around the decarbonisation of transport; sustainable import guarantee schemes; and COP26 | 830,267 | 12 |
Green Finance Institute Ltd (GFI) | Funding to support a coalition for the decarbonisation of transport | 3,000,000 | 39 |
Growald Climate Fund | QCF-Growald Partnership on power sector transformation | 75,000,000 | 36 |
Heriot-Watt University | To support the development of a CDR workforce & CDR innovation | 390,000 | 12 |
Homeworld Collective | Funding to support integrating roadmapping and translational efforts for climate biotech | 1,462,591 | 19 |
Impatience Ltd | Support for scaling philanthropic collaborations around climate | 624,000 | 12 |
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Support for the Climate Solutions Launch Pad | 1,351,841 | 29 |
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine | Funding to support research fellows on climate | 780,000 | 38 |
InfluenceMap CIC | Funding to investigate anti climate lobbying networks across fossil fuel and automotive sectors | 650,000 | 12 |
Institute for Climate and Society (iCS) | Core funding for general operating support and to strengthen civil society in Brazil | 1,500,000 | 12 |
Institute for Climate and Society (iCS) | Funding to map and monitor deforestation and land use change in the Brazilian Amazon to develop a greenhouse gas emissions inventory for municipalities in Brazil | 1,166,000 | 24 |
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis | Support for financial analysis of energy markets | 1,500,000 | 12 |
Instituto del Bien Común | Funding to map and monitor deforestation and land use change in the Amazon basin outside of Brazil | 1,224,188 | 12 |
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) | Funding to support work on adaptation and resilience programmes | 1,000,000 | 12 |
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) | Support for establishing SIDS Debt sustainability and investment support unit | 350,000 | 12 |
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) | Funding for country consultations on policy support needs for responsible mining | 97,500 | 6 |
Marble I | Funding to support the Inflection Awards (formerly All Crew Awards) | 270,678 | 12 |
Market Forces Ltd | To support global fossil fuel finance campaigning | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Media Bounty | Funding to support efforts to counter disinformation around climate | 1,787,500 | 14 |
Mighty Earth | Core funding for global anti-deforestation campaigns | 2,000,000 | 18 |
Multiplier | Support for Climate Safe Learning Lab, which connects and supports banking professionals advancing the climate agenda within their organizations | 130,400 | 12 |
mySociety | Funding to support the acceleration of local climate action through data and digital services | 1,950,000 | 41 |
New Automotive | Funding to support a transition in the automotive sector | 2,100,000 | 36 |
Oil Change International | Funding for work on asset retirement in the oil and gas industry | 400,000 | 24 |
Partnership Project | Support for campaigns to engage community stakeholders around clean energy projects | 390,000 | 12 |
Pathways Global Limited | Funding to increase support for climate policy, highlighting benefits to energy security, jobs and the natural environment | 514,800 | 6 |
Payne Institute for Public Policy (Colorado School of Mines) | Funding to support research on developing sustainable and just critical energy transition mineral markets | 1,500,000 | 0 |
Peers for the Planet Ltd | Core support for the work of Peers for the Planet | 195,000 | 12 |
Potential Energy Coalition, Inc. | Funding to support data driven climate communications | 3,497,143 | 12 |
Project Tempo | Core support to Project Tempo, a non-partisan organisation that advocates for transformative but politically-feasible climate strategies. | 10,877,109 | 23 |
Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) | Funding to support decarbonization policy solutions in Asia | 3,000,000 | 36 |
Rights and Resources Institute Inc. | Funding to support Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to secure land tenure rights | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. | Support to Bellwethers Group on expanding climate leadership | 99,587 | 5 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. | Funding to the Energy Transition Fund that supports a public finance shift away from fossil fuels to clean energy | 12,350,000 | 36 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. | Core funding to the Youth Climate Justice Fund to support regranting to youth-led organisations in the Global South | 1,000,000 | 24 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. | Funding to campaigns in the UK to secure support for the energy transition | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. | Funding to support engagements at COP conferences to empower vulnerable communities most at risk from climate impacts. | 3,000,000 | 36 |
Rocky Mountain Institute | Funding to support analysis of the decarbonization pathways for oil and gas | 1,000,000 | 12 |
Rocky Mountain Institute | Funding to support analysis of the Energy Transition | 500,000 | 12 |
Sandbag Climate Campaign CIC | Supporting the development of high-quality country-level data for the power sector | 1,940,400 | 12 |
Sandbag Climate Campaign CIC | Funding to provide data for the clean power transition | 4,340,000 | 36 |
Securing America's Future Energy Foundation (SAFE) | Campaign to build cross-European support for energy and environmental policy that intersects with economic and energy security priorities. | 300,000 | 12 |
Silver Lining | Support for research and advocacy around understanding climate intervention options to address near term climate risks | 11,500,000 | 36 |
Silver Lining | Support for research around understanding climate intervention options to address near term climate risks | 390,000 | 12 |
Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) | Funding to support the mapping of carbon drawdown options of fungal pathways | 1,250,000 | 18 |
Spark Climate Solutions Inc. | Funding to support work around methane and carbon removal approaches | 2,500,000 | 24 |
SRI International | Support for climate intervention research to reduce near term climate risk | 390,000 | 12 |
Stichting Arctic Basecamp Foundation | Funding to support the Arctic Risk Platform | 1,622,080 | 12 |
Systemiq Limited | Funding to support the Government of Barbados to develop a Resilience Roadmap | 390,000 | 6 |
Systemiq Limited | Analysis to investigate the potential for iron & steel decarbonisation as a key plank of Ukraine's post-invasion economic recovery. | 300,000 | 12 |
Tara Climate Foundation | Support to accelerate the clean energy transition in Asia | 5,000,000 | 12 |
TED Foundation | Support for communications and events around "Dilemmas in the Green Transition" | 1,998,854 | 7 |
The Bellona Environmental Foundation | Funding to fill research and policy development gaps around industrial decarbonisation and carbon capture, storage and removals in Europe | 5,460,000 | 36 |
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Funding to support the Eating the Earth project | 1,189,500 | 36 |
The Centre for Investigative Journalism | Core support to expand skills sharing for climate change investigations | 798,283 | 18 |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars Of The University Of Cambridge | General organisational support to Cambridge Zero | 1,300,000 | 12 |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford | Supporting a Net Zero Network Platform | 303,087 | 12 |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford | Core support for the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment | 2,345,158 | 36 |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford | Support for the State of CDR Report | 390,000 | 21 |
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford | Funding to provide access to data, research and raise public awareness about the food system transition | 2,237,382 | 41 |
The Chancery Lane Project | Development of The Chancery Lane Project | 2,340,000 | 39 |
The Conduit Holdco Limited | Support for an Impact Partnership Project, creating spaces for education and debate around the climate transition | 1,000,000 | 12 |
The Good Food Institute | To support research grant program around sustainable and just food systems | 2,000,000 | 12 |
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | Core support to the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change | 1,300,000 | 30 |
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | Funding to support research on sustainable finance and climate action | 1,295,011 | 49 |
The Meliore Foundation | Support to increase civic engagement that enables climate action in Europe | 5,000,000 | 12 |
The SED Fund | Support to SED fund to seed and scale organisations working for a just climate transition | 6,500,000 | 12 |
The SED Fund | Support to SED fund to seed and scale organisations working for a just climate transition | 19,000,000 | 36 |
The Stichting Foundation for International Law for the Environment (FILE) | Supporting work to accelerate legal action on climate change globally | 2,500,000 | 12 |
The Stichting Foundation for International Law for the Environment (FILE) | Supporting work to accelerate legal action on climate change globally | 13,700,000 | 36 |
The Stockholm Environment Institute | Support to develop an online platform monitoring deforestation in soft commodity supply chains | 3,250,000 | 57 |
The Sunrise Project | Support for The Sunrise Project's finance program to hold financial institutions to account over their climate impact | 12,000,000 | 12 |
The Sunrise Project Inc. | Core support for Sunrise Project global fossil fuel finance campaign | 13,500,000 | 36 |
The Windward Fund | Support for environmental justice advocates in the US | 2,000,000 | 12 |
The Windward Fund | Funding to establish the Enteric Fermentation R&D Accelerator, an initiative to reduce emissions from livestock. | 15,000,000 | 36 |
The Windward Fund | Funding to establish the Global Methane Hub, a global co-ordinated funding effort to mitigate human-caused methane emissions in the energy, agriculture and waste sectors. | 20,000,000 | 36 |
TMP Public CIC | Funding for research and action plans to reduce climate risk and disruptions in transition mineral supply chains | 3,000,000 | 36 |
Tracker Group Limited | Core Support to Carbon Tracker Initiative | 1,166,667 | 12 |
TransitionZero Ltd | To support open energy system modelling and analysis tools | 1,467,899 | 12 |
TransitionZero Ltd | Core Support for Transition Zero to provide open data products to shape a clean energy future | 1,235,000 | 12 |
Trustees of Boston University | Funding to support research on the IMF, Climate, and De-carbonization | 500,000 | 12 |
UN Foundation | Support for The Accelerator for Systemic Risk Assessment (ASRA) programme | 1,000,000 | 12 |
University College London (UCL) | Development of carbon emission accounts for developing countries | 433,333 | 12 |
University College London (UCL) | To support research into shipping decarbonisation | 672,562 | 12 |
University College London (UCL) | Funding for work to understand power sector reform in China | 396,272 | 11 |
University of Exeter | Support for PhD project on climate tipping points | 78,000 | 45 |
University of Exeter | Support for research around climate intervention | 978,962 | 40 |
University of Technology Sydney | Funding for work to understand the global supply of critical transition minerals | 500,000 | 24 |
University of the Arctic (UArctic) | Support for research into ice sheet conservation and frozen arctic conservation | 250,000 | |
University of Washington | To support research to understand marine cloud brightening | 2,500,000 | 12 |
Woodwell Climate Research Center | Funding to integrate permafrost into climate impacts analysis | 6,000,000 | 70 |
Woodwell Climate Research Center | Funding to support national climate risk assessments and adaptation planning in the DRC | 1,099,800 | 12 |
Woodwell Climate Research Center | Funding for research and policy outreach on permafrost thaw and municipal level physical climate risks | 5,999,910 | 36 |
World Economic Forum (WEF) | Funding to support programmes around electrifying aviation | 346,923 | 14 |
World Economic Forum (WEF) | Funding to support programmes around carbon neutrality in China, and climate & trade | 3,540,621 | 51 |
World Economic Forum (WEF) | To support the Climate Trade Zero platform hosted by the World Economic Forum | 325,500 | 18 |
World Meteorological Organization | Funding to measure GHG fluxes over the Amazon through airplane-based sampling | 346,500 | 18 |
World Meteorological Organization | Funding to support the utilization of atmospheric measurements to establish the carbon sequestration capacity of bamboo forests | 1,162,812 | 48 |
World Resources Institute | To support the Coolfood initiative, to reduce climate impacts of food in the U.K. and Europe | 820,000 | 12 |
World Resources Institute | Funding to understand ghg emissions reductions from agriculture, food loss and waste in China | 1,606,522 | 24 |
World Resources Institute | To support research, modelling and policy recommendations on low-carbon agriculture, food systems and land use | 693,637 | 18 |
Zenon Research | Funding to support exploration efforts into European climate strategies | 30,000 | 6 |